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The Secret To Setting Boundaries When Shopping For Your Wedding Dress

Are you starting to feel overwhelmed with other peoples opinions, unhelpful advice coming from so many different directions? Are you feeling that when it come to your wedding you are getting confused and frustrated with too many comments from different people?

This post could resonate with you. It's is time to set boundaries when wedding dress shopping. Whether you are newly engaged or already planning your wedding. When you are planning your wedding all brides will find some of this advice helpful. How to have a stress free wedding planning experience and how to avoid opinions from others.

Wedding Belles Love see many brides become overwhelmed when shopping for their wedding dress, It can be an emotional experience with so many styles of dresses to try on it can easily become overwhelming, brides can get frustrated or confused. This is even more prevalent when loved ones are bombarding you with different opinions and their thoughts, when you are trying on wedding dresses. This can also happen throughout other areas of your wedding planning such as wedding venues or deciding which food to serve to your guests. When it comes to planning your wedding, you will always receive lots of opinions from your loved ones.

So Wedding Belles Love have a few helpful tips to share with you. This tip you can call "Your Secret" this will be a lifesaver, your secret weapon to keep those unwanted opinions and thoughts away from your thought process, enabling you to make the right choice for yourself.

Unwanted Opinions

When you are planning your wedding, you are more than likely going to have your family and friends helping in this process. You may be getting a little overwhelmed by the constant questions about the details of your wedding day, Afterall you will be making a lot of decisions over this next planning stage.

You have probably already started to do your research ( well we know you have because you are reading this blog) you are seeing so many different ideas and photos, all kinds of wedding elements you did not even know about. You will narrowing down ideas maybe creating Pinterest boards sharing them with your loved ones. As you start to share these ideas you are likely to be getting a lot of feedback some opinions welcome, some not so much. these may become overwhelming for you. Just try to remember that you've done your research the people outside your wedding are not on the same journey as you, For example, lets say that you have narrowed down your wedding bouquet to two choices, after scrolling through hundreds you have finally found the two you like the best. But your future Auntie or Mother-in-law have not seen all those other photos you have chosen between, so they are likely to have a different opinion to you. This can be confusing or you may start to second guess your decision when you receive this feedback.

This is where the "Your Secret" comes in to play

"Your Secret"

We all set boundaries every day, but mostly we do these without knowing, from friends work colleagues. Your wedding planning is such a memorable time its time to enjoy this part of your journey. This planning of your wedding day will bring its own challenges and stress so its going to important that you might need to set boundaries.

So What's the secret? It is just that a secret. once you start to get overwhelmed with peoples opinions or the endless questions from your entourage you can simply tell everyone " its a secret" it is that simple, its a secret that will be revealed on your wedding day.

We know that family dynamics can be complicated to say the least and at Wedding Belles Love we have seen it all when wedding dress shopping, sometimes the brides feel obligated to include certain people in their wedding dress shopping even though they don't want their opinion, or even know what the opinion is, as it is going to differ from their own. We have many conversations whispered inside the changing rooms where the bride is loving a wedding dress but someone in their entourage does not, they become overwhelmed trying to make everyone happy. Many times we have to remind the entourage that the curtains are not sound proof and the bride can hear the comments. It is ultimately up to the bride what she wants to wear to make them feel beautiful and confident. So for everyone asking - what does your wedding dress look like? you can just say its surprise like you will be surprising your fiancé with you wedding dress. Its a secret.

First Look

It used to be a tradition for the bride and her partner not to see each other before the bride walked down the aisle, this would be the first time they saw the bride wearing her chosen wedding dress, Traditions have changed some brides opt for the first look on their wedding day where they see each other in private and share this moment together before the ceremony and then join the wedding guests afterwards. Use "Your Secret" so you can keep details of your wedding dress style a secret and a surprise for your wedding day.

First look Alternatives

In addition to a first look with your partner, it could be the person who is walking you down the aisle, we see brides doing their first look with their fathers , mothers or bridesmaids, maybe they have seen a photo or a sample of your dress, but not the finished wedding dress after alterations. Seeing you as the bride with your make-up, hair and all your accessories will certainly be a worthy photo capturing moment for you to treasure, building up more excitement for your wedding day.

Don't Get Too Overwhelmed

We don't see brides using "your secret" when they have gotten to the point of being overwhelmed with the outside opinions, they have open and transparent with their wedding planning and now they are overwhelmed with all the questions and responses.

By telling your guests that you are surprising them with your gown, décor or flowers, will be like you are surprising your fiancé with your outfit this will set the boundary for no one to ask you questions and give their opinion and cloud your own judgement.

You know your family and friends, you know who will try and push the boundaries, so just pick the ones who will have your best interest at heart. At the end of the day this will take its toll on your mind and your heart when other people are telling you what to do or which items you should change. Stick to your intuition and be true to yourself. Don't be afraid to use "Your Secret"

We hope you have found these tips helpful. For more wedding day advice, be sure to check out our previous blogs, to help you in your wedding day journey.

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